Divine Write has rebranded. (And we have a new website.)
August 4, 2022 • Glenn Murray

In the early days, Divine Write was just lil’ ol’ me, writing copy as a freelancer. For your amusement, here’s a photo of me back then:
A lot’s changed since then. Along with a few extra kilos and several extra grey hairs, the business has grown and evolved. (I still have the same desk though!)
For starters, we don’t just do copywriting anymore. We also do strategy, user experience (UX), information architecture (IA), design, development, even tech support.
A new name
I’ve been thinking about changing our name for years. Not just because ‘Divine Write’ no longer captures what we do, but because no-one ever knows how to bloody spell it! You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had to spell it out over the phone and then STILL correct them. This results in countless missed clients and emails, I’m sure.
But I never mustered the energy to do something about it. Then in February this year, something happened that made me finally take action…
My sister, Penny, came on board as General Manager. Here’s a picture of her so you know who’s now keeping me in line:
Why was that significant? Well, other than her being a MUCH better business manager than me, she brought an entirely new skillset to the table: business analysis (BA). She also has hard-core product management and project management skills.
And now that we’re offering these services too, it makes even less sense to keep the old name. (The business also turned 20, so now seemed like a good time to take the plunge.) So we set about choosing a new name.
Why Silver Pistol? Well, mostly because we just really like it! It feels right and it doesn’t pigeon-hole us. But also because it’s conveys success (silver) and strength (pistol), so it’s impactful. It has good phonetic balance (both words have two syllables) and rhythm (the emphasis on the first syllable in both words), so it rolls off the tongue. It has no cutesy puns or homophones, and both words are familiar, without any alternative spellings, so it’s hard to misspell. It has no double letters, so it’s easy to type and easy to read in URL format (silverpistol). And the combination of “silver” and “pistol” kinda makes sense, conceptually, so it’s easy to remember.
A new logo
Naturally, if we have a new name, we also have to have a new logo. Here it is:
The brand mark combines the “S” from “Silver Pistol” with (if you squint) some vaguely pistol-shaped lines that are also reminiscent of a wave (Penny and I both live on the Central Coast of NSW).
We moved away from blue (which is my favourite colour) to more of a red because it resonates with Penny, and she’s now making these decisions!
A new website too
Finally, what better time to launch a new website than when you’ve rebranded? Have a wander around and tell us what you think.
Contact Penny if you need a quote
Now that Penny’s GM, she’s handling all the day-to-day operations. This includes quoting and client liaison. So if you’d like a quote on copy, consulting, design or development, please hit her up.
And as always, if you have any comments, please feel free to add them below. 🙂
Peter wrote on August 5th, 2022
Congratulations guys! Love the brand and the sentiment behind it. Best wishes and good luck.
Bill Harper wrote on August 6th, 2022
This. Is. Awesome. Congratulations, everyone. So happy for you all. Here's to another 20 years of fantastic work -- at least. Billl
Penny Murray wrote on August 8th, 2022
Thanks Bill. Looking forward to the next 20 years :-)
Penny Murray wrote on August 8th, 2022
Thanks Peter, appreciate the feedback.
Burim wrote on September 4th, 2022
Well done Glen! This looks like a really exciting change and I wish you and your team success.
Glenn Murray wrote on September 5th, 2022
Thanks so much, mate! Looking forward to chatting soon and hearing all about your globe-trotting adventures! :-)
Paul McDonald wrote on May 25th, 2023
New name, same professional services. Love the new website. All the best for the future.
Glenn Murray wrote on May 25th, 2023
Thanks Paul! Much appreciated. :-)
Julie wrote on May 25th, 2023
Love this. Great new name, logo and website, plus love the expansion. Nice work and congratulations to your growth and long term success. Ps a big fan of your work, looking forward to hearing more from Penny as well :)
Glenn Murray wrote on May 25th, 2023
Thanks Julie. Appreciate your kind words. And, yes, I'm looking forward to a few more posts from Penny. She has a whole career of expertise to share. She's not a huge fan of writing blog posts though. I'll have to work on her! :-)